Sunday 2 September 2012

8 - Helps prevent back problems and back pain

Why is exercise a good remedy to promote a healthier back for a longer life? How do we achieve this and how does exercise promote this? When we are active, our body will naturally function more effectively and efficiently. This is great, because this natural movement increases the transportation of vital nutrients to our organs. This will promote healing and overall conditioning of our body.

To keep balance through any activity we use the support of our core muscles. The more we exercise the stronger these muscles become. The key to preventing back problems and pain, [1] depends on the muscular endurance of the core muscles and correct movement patterns.

When the lower back is arched inward this is called a neutral spine. When the spine is in this position it is able to distribute the weight evenly throughout the lower back. [1] This distribution of load helps to prevent injury and allows for efficient movement. When we exercise the constant functioning of our core supporting muscles in our mid-section strengthens these muscles. This is called abdominal bracing. Our mid-section protects the spine by bracing the muscles around it, supporting the spine and preventing injury. Keeping active and promoting the strength of our spine will protect our lower back through any activity.  

To improve the strength of our mid-section and lower back to prevent future injuries, we would recommend Reform Pilates or Normal Pilates. Normal Pilates is a class taken on the floor at a gym or studio. Reform Pilates is performed on a special piece of equipment, conditioned to focus on strengthening our core muscles. We recommend attending Reform Pilates classes at Pilates studios before purchasing equipment. Pilates also improves flexibility and is a great way to meet people who also enjoy exercising in a group environment.
If low back pain is already present, an evaluation by a physician or a physical therapist is recommended. If you have not tried Pilates go out there and give it a try. It’s a great way to try something new, without being strenuous on the body and promotes a stronger back for a healthier future. If you would like to attend a Pilate’s class, please feel free to search the Xenus Fitness Directory.

If low back pain is already present, an evaluation by a physician or a physical therapist is recommended.

Cheers, Xenus Fitness

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