Sunday 5 August 2012

4 - Improves circulation and oxygen/nutrient transport throughout the body.

-          Increased blood flow is a direct result from exercise; our hearts beat faster to support the workload of oxygen to the working muscles. Our hearts do this through red blood cells via the blood stream. However our circulatory system does so much more than just transfer oxygen, our circulatory system is our body’s whole transportation system. It is the freeways and roads of our body. Our organs are like the major cities and our fingernails and toes are like the outer suburbs and towns. The cars we drive in with all our precious passengers are like our blood cells.

-          Through exercise, our bodies produce new blood cells at a greater rate to support more oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. This not only increases the density of emergency services in our body, like your police, fire brigade and ambulance, but it also grows new employment in the trades industry, like our plasterers, plumbers, electricians and car mechanics much the same as in our cities and major towns.

-          So now imagine we are sitting in our car on our way back to work at the heart, we are currently traveling down the axillary vein about to merge into the superior vena cava. Just before we enter into the turn off lane a drunk driver narrowly misses our car and crashes into the car in front of us. The shock alone causes us to stop. Superior vena cava is much like Melbourne’s Monash Freeway and is known to hold most of the hearts traffic flow into the city. Because of the crash in front of us this starts to slow down and delay traffic flowing into the city of heart. Cars start to bank up and just as we thought the worst was over, cars with people high on artificial substances start to crash into cars behind us causing our car with its precious passages to be wedged in the mess. This problem is quickly fixed though, (unlike our small country towns) and the emergency services soon come to the rescue and clear this chaos. The superior vena cava is equipped with 24hr emergency services and is able to clear the damage in seconds. The body system we have is so powerful that it doesn’t seem to affect the greater human body. There is much worry for our outer suburbs and country towns though, because there is less density of emergency services.

-          Picture this event, in our country towns there are a lot less emergency services and tradesmen available. Even so, some tradesmen reduce the amount of employees working for them during the night shift to save on extra costs. This causes problems, say we cut our foot and we notice that it takes longer to heal; this is because there is less density of emergency services and tradesmen available to help patch up the cut to our skin. This is a simple problem.

-          Imagine we decided to fill our bodies with alcohol and artificial substances all night from our food and drinks. We drank so much that we had a blood alcohol reading ‘0.05’. This means that 1 in every 20 cells of our body are intoxicated. So imagine now we get a cut to our hand, there are thousands of cars traveling down our Brachial artery every second and because it is further away from the main organ cities, emergency services and tradesmen have to travel further to get the cut, hence we will bleed for longer. If we were sitting in our car in the digital arteries of our hands (these are the arteries of our hands), the road would clasped below us, as the blood flows out of the cut, we would have no time to say goodbye to our families and friends and hundreds of lives would be lost in the collapse, caused by the cut. Emergency services would have to risk their own lives to fix the wound and save the people. But remember that in having the alcohol and artificial substances in our system, it means that 1 in every 20 emergency services will be drunk. Imagine the police officer trying to redirect traffic while drunk, the fire brigade trying to rescue people while under the influence of alcohol and artificial substances and our ambulance teams trying to bring people back to life with a blood alcohol reading of 0.05. Our system would go into turmoil! Then as this problem is being fixed, reports are coming in that the major cities are in mayhem because there are so many crashes from the 1 in 20 drunk drivers and thousands of drivers that are already under the influence of artificial substances on our roads, and sadly, the emergency services are forced to retreat. This becomes increasingly harmful because we are then compelled to bring in less skilled workers. The tradesmen are not as qualified but have to start helping to fix the problems, keeping in mind that 1 in every 20 of them too, are drunk. The towns are getting clogged up, there is nowhere to run. Yet mostly importantly, the body is losing its ability to transport the most vital fuel for our system. Oxygen. Like fuel for our cars. When we say we are tipsy, this means that we are getting light headed because there is a reduced amount of oxygen flowing through our bodies. Eventually there are no survivors in these country towns, causing our blood, the cycle of life, to stop flowing through these areas. This is when some people get tingles in their hands and feet. From here we decide the feeling is good, so we keep drinking, and the density of all drunk people on our roads, including emergency services, is increasing, this alcohol war is starting to win over our body and slow down vital organs so much that they almost stop completely. Once it stops entirely we are known as a statistic. This is when people say they are drunk and feel on top of the world. But then something happens to our night, the pollution of the density of drunks on our roads gets too thick and starts affecting the capital city, Heart. There is an emergency signal in our body called intuition that tells the brain whatever that is causing this agony needs to be removed immediately. This signal is like a flare on a boat as a last stitch effort to be noticed before we drown. When the brain receives this its first reaction is to create a surge of energy that is so powerful throughout the body that it causes us to vomit, causing the density of drunks on our body’s roads to go down. If we did not have this ability of intuition the chances of survival through a drunken night would be slim. Vomiting is a common sign of alcohol poisoning and if vomiting persists after drinking seek medical attention immediately.

-          So how do we fix this problem if it has already been created, and how can we clean up the mess? The human body is impressive because it gives us the ability to exercise, it gives us the ability to produce more blood cells and it gives us the choice on how we want to live our lives. This gift is amazing; we have the power to control one of the most sophisticated organisms on the planet. And if we have acted wrongly, it allows us to clean up the mess we have caused. The best thing is we don’t have to be in our systems, working endless hours to patch a small graze or direct traffic back to the city heart. All we have to do is make sure we eat and drink natural foods and fluids that our body desires and maintain a routine of doing some form of exercise every day. The body is so powerful that it will go out of its way to create endorphins, which is the same as getting a medal every second of the day when we do something good towards our body. Endorphins also promote us to be happy, and at the end of the day all we need to do is respect our bodies and our body will respect us with great skin, lean muscle, great energy and lower the risk of disease.

Cheers, Xenus Fitness

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